Bounce Forward & Harry Kane Foundation

Creating a nation where positive mental health messages help people to live mentally and emotionally well

What's our shared mission?

To inspire and transform a generation's thinking about mental health and how to nurture psychological fitness

When it comes to mental health, prevention is better than cure. Bounce Forward & Harry Kane Foundation launched the partnership on the 10th October 2023 with a shared mission to inspire and transform a generation’s thinking about mental health and how to nurture and build mental resilience, and emotional wellbeing. 

The partnership will enable Bounce Forward to increase it’s member schools who have access to high quality, evidenced-based teaching resources. Taking away the financial burden will increase the number of schools who can teach the lessons.  

We will also increase our reach to parents, equipping them with the knowledge, personal skills, and practical resources to build and nurture resilience in their children. 

Through Harry’s influence, platforms, and networks together we aim to reach a wider audience through workplaces. 

The overall goal is to promote positive mental health across all generations.

Harry and Kate Museum of London edited

Kicking things off

The Harry Kane Foundation is supporting 17 schools across all nine regions of England by providing them with access to Bounce Forward's Healthy Minds training and curriculum for free. New teaching resources will be available in Healthy Minds and available to all member schools.

Hear from Harry Kane

Inspired Lessons

Both the member schools and Bounce Forward 's existing member schools are already gaining valuable insights from lessons inspired by Harry and Kate.

Harry's new lessons, Physical Resilience, focus on how exercise, nutrition, and sleep are linked to mental health. Meanwhile, Kate Kane who has long had an interest in mindful practice has been working with experts and teachers to introduce new lessons called 'Intentional Stillness'. These lessons aim to teach calming and focusing techniques to nurture and build positive mental health.

Hear from the launch schools

Hear from Lucy Bailey

Postive change

By working together to build mental resilience in young people and the adults around them, we aim to support changes to the following:

UK in lowest 5%

The UK is ranked 69th out of 72 countries for children’s life satisfaction. *Healthy Minds is proven to increase this.

3 in 5 and 64%

3 in 5 parents worry about their children’s mental health*, and 64% of teachers confirm that students are turning to them at least once a week for advice about their wellbeing. *We support schools, teachers and parents.

50% starts by age 14

50% of adult mental health problems start by the age of 14. *This is why teaching and learning in schools is so important.

5 in a class of 30

Our children’s wellbeing is at it’s lowest – 5 children in a classroom of 30 are likely to have a mental ill-health problem, *and why we believe that prevention is better than cure.

Additional info

Harry Kane Foundation is uniquely positioned to influence and help transform thinking about mental health in and beyond the UK. Through Harry and Kate's profile, platforms and via strategic partnerships with select experts and organisations, Harry Kane Foundation helps enable practical support.

Bounce Forward bring expertise in building young people’s (and the adults around them) psychological fitness. We are well established to develop the next generation of children to become psychologically fit adults.

Collectively we share short- and long-term goals about how to think about mental health.

Healthy Minds is an extensively evaluated 5-year skills based curriculum. It is designed based on adolescent and neurological development and takes a spiral approach so that the learning builds and strengthens over time. Read more about Healthy Minds here.

Drop us an email to or give the team a call on 0330 133 0776. 

You can see more about Healthy Minds here

If you are from an organisation and want to join us in building a nation where positive mental health education and messaging helps people to live mentally and emotionally well. Find out more here.

Please the following list of references used on this page.

  1.  Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine, Jan 2022
  2. A 2023 survey carried out by Opinium, in partnership with Britvic & Bounce Forward
  3. National Comorbidity Survey Replication
  4. A 2023 survey carried out by Opinium, in partnership with Britvic & Bounce Forward

The Role of Positive Emotions

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