What We Do

We are dedicated to transforming how we think about mental health and how we nuture and build psychological fitness.

We translate the science to develop the skills of mental resilience and emotional wellbeing. Working in the eco-system around children so they become psychologically fit adults of tomorrow. 

Healthy Minds will become an integral part of our Personal Development programme as we build our student’s confidence, resilience and knowledge so that they can keep themselves mentally healthy. The Bounce Forward programme will help to facilitate the development of skills and qualities that will enable our students to become independent and thrive in society.

Clare Lewis

Bridgwater & Taunton College Trust

Our approach

Our approach is based on this simple premise – “to pass on skills and capacity to be psychologically fit and mentally resilient, we must apply them in our own lives first.”

We base our approach and training on solid research, theory and evidence

We teach skills and strategies that work in the real world

The adults matter: their role is vital in helping children and young people to be mentally resilient and thrive

We build psychological tools for living

Psychological fitness is the combination of mental resilience and emotional wellbeing. These attributes deliver benefits across our lives. This learning is linked to greater educational achievement, improve productivity, less crime, better physical health, reduced mortality, higher incomes, and more participation in community life.

The reality is that 1 in 3 children with a serious ‘level of concern’ are not noticed by the adults around them because they are not behaving ‘badly’, they are doing well academically, they have friends.  There are approximately 255,000 secondary school children who are suffering in silence.

We have a strong track record of embedding the skills that make a difference in schools, with parents and across wider society.

The output we aim to see across all our work is broken down into 5 key competencies

  • Flexible and realistic thinking
  • Human connections
  • Hope and optimism
  • Self-regulation
  • Self-awareness and compassion

The Role of Positive Emotions

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