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Help us in making a difference in young peoples lives

“We need your support to help catch the children who are suffering in silence. Teaching skills that develop helpful connections in the brain is something we can continue to do across our lives, but starting early means we have the biggest impact.”

Lucy Bailey

Bounce Forward Founder & CEO

Why we need you

Your support will influencing the most important agenda of the 21st century; the mental resilience and emotional wellbeing of our children, the next generation of parents, neighbours, workforce, leaders, communities.

Choose to do something amazing today and make a difference to the children who are suffering in silence.

Your support will help to

Shift the narrative

from a ‘mental health crisis’ to one of empowerment and mental fitness.

Champion Emotional Strength And Mental Agility

as key attributes needed for success in the future.

Enable the adults of tomorrow to be successful

in a way that is in humanity’s best interest.

What makes us special

How can you make a difference?

Mental resilience is needed now, perhaps more than ever! You are helping a credible, national charity with a proven track record in delivering evidence-based impact. You will be joining the drive to invest in prevention – more valuable and effective than a cure.

Sponsor a school or college

Fill out the form below, and we will be in touch shortly.

The Role of Positive Emotions

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