Who We Are

Meet the people behind Bounce Forward

We are Bounce Forward. Trusted experts on psychological fitness.

Founded in 2009, Bounce Forward was incubated in its early years within Hertfordshire County Council and became an independent charity in 2016.

In 2019 we transformed our approach, working intensively with educators, psychologists, academics and young people to deliver practical, relevant and flexible solutions.

In 2023 we announced a partnership with Harry Kane Foundation to inspire and transform a generation’s thinking about mental health. 

Our Core Principles

  • Mental resilience and emotional wellbeing are key attributes needed for success in the 21st century
  • Sound research, theory and evidence informs everything we do
  • We teach skills and strategies that work in the real world
  • The adults matter: their role is vital in helping children and young people to be psychologically healthy
  • When it comes to mental health, prevention is better than cure. We must invest in prevention.

Our Impact

Total schools
Member schools
Children & young people

Where we work

In schools and all education settings, with parents, with providers of children services, with organisations and workforces across communities.

Who are some of our schools?

Meet the team

Lucy Bailey

Chief Executive & Founder

Elisha Hamilton

Operations Manager (Maternity leave)

Dr Julie Harris

Head of Research and Evaluation

Shenel Shefik

Education Lead & Associate Trainer

Rob Stevens

Marketing Executive – Pro Bono

Voula Tsoflias

Ambassador for Corporate Sponsorship – Pro Bono

Amy Bradshaw

Ambassador for Educational Mental Health and Wellbeing

Jenny Ashworth

Fundraising & Grants Executive – Pro Bono

Gary Redfeather

Ambassador for Innovation

Lucienne Miller

Armed Forces Associate

Chloe Lowry

Ambassador & Associate Trainer

Diane Laird

Ambassador & Associate Trainer

Shirley George

Ambassador for Growth – Pro Bono

Shane O’Connor

Ambassador & Associate Trainer

Anna Inama

Ambassador for International Schools

Daniela Sarti

Marketing Consultant – Pro Bono

Philip Lewis


Stuart Lindars

Ambassador for Education 

Lord David Triesman


Our trustees

Sharon Waterman


Kathryn Partridge


Matt Kingdon


What is resilience?

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Advisory Board

Our Advisory Board experience spans:


The Role of Positive Emotions

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